Apple needs to explain that bug that resurfaced deleted photos
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Nomen Nescio
2024-05-24 01:12:03 UTC
It's even more likely that Apple simply forgot to delete them.
Nonsense. No evidence suggests that.
Years ago, the pictures were supposedly deleted. Now with this recent
update, those "deleted" pictures resurface.
There's no other logical conclusion other than they weren't deleted.
Nobody claimed the files weren't deleted, little Arlen. The claim you
made was "Apple lied".
The images in question were saved outside of the photo library, and a
bug caused them not to be deleted in their external location yet be
hidden from view inside of the Photos application.
Apple lied that they were deleted.
Obscure bugs don't equate to lies...
It's a brazen (but rather clever) Apple lie that a 'data corruption'
Nope. Sorry. By your idiotic measure, all bugs are lies, which is
ridiculous on its face. Your trolls are as weak as your intellect,
little Arlen.
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I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.
2024-05-24 01:22:23 UTC
It's even more likely that Apple simply forgot to delete them.
Nonsense. No evidence suggests that.
Years ago, the pictures were supposedly deleted. Now with this recent
update, those "deleted" pictures resurface.
There's no other logical conclusion other than they weren't deleted.
Nobody claimed the files weren't deleted, little Arlen. The claim you
made was "Apple lied".
The images in question were saved outside of the photo library, and a
bug caused them not to be deleted in their external location yet be
hidden from view inside of the Photos application.
Apple lied that they were deleted.
Obscure bugs don't equate to lies...
It's a brazen (but rather clever) Apple lie that a 'data corruption'
Nope. Sorry. By your idiotic measure, all bugs are lies, which is
ridiculous on its face. Your trolls are as weak as your intellect,
little Arlen.
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I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.
how do you like them apples
